Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I eat SIX meals a day and I am in the best shape of my life

So your body has this really INCREDIBLE thing called a metabolism. Yes, everyone has heard of it, however I am floored at how many people I meet that are absolutely killing it. Murdering it. DESTROYING IT. 

Wait a second, I opened this thinking you were going to tell me how I get to eat all day and be skinny. Well, yes. Hold on. I will get to that part.

Back to your metabolism.

What is It???

Metabolism is the sum of the physical and chemical processing in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained, destroyed, and by which energy is made available.

In general, athletes have a resting metabolic rate that is five percent higher than the average non-athletic person due to more muscle mass as opposed to fat mass.

But Why is that Important???

1. Consuming too few calories leads to the break down of protein (not fat) therefore reducing muscle mass in exchange for energy. As you just learned, people with more muscle mass have higher metabolisms. Do you see where I'm heading with this?

2. The more you restrict your calories, the better your body gets at burning as few calories as possible. It instinctively clings to as much fat as it can to keep you from starving. (That would be really cool if we were still cave men and didn't have magical things like grocery stores)

Saaaaweeeeetttttt. I get to eat whatever I want?!?!

Okay. Calm down. Breathe. You're going off the deep end here. 
Yes you can eat whatever you want to... This is America. 
However, if you do exercise that freedom, I cannot promise that you will see your metabolism get jumpstarted.

...... Then how do I jump start my metabolism?

Yay! The question we have all been waiting for!!

The key to jump starting your metabolism is to eat 5 to 6 small, healthy meals a day. 

Why am I doing this?

About three hours after your last meal, your blood sugar begins to fall.
After four hours, your body has already digested your previous meal. 
Once you hit the five hour point, your blood sugar starts to crash and you grab whatever you can to refuel. 
Eating five to six times a day empowers you. You are more likely to say no to bad foods and to stick to your diet plan.

Well what if I don't have a diet plan?

Well, my favorite supplement company Strong Girl has provided the world with the optimal meal plan. 

Meal One:

  • 1 scoop of StrongGirl Isolate
  • 1 whole egg or soy-free egg replacer
  • 1 tbsp. chia seeds
  • 1/8 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk
  • 3 tbsp. Oatmeal
  • 1/4 cup fresh berries or sliced banana
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil or pure maple syrup or agave
  1. Blend all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Spray pan or waffle pan with coconut oil, cook on medium heat.
  3. Pour batter on pan and cook until one side is lightly golden brown, flip.
  4. Top with fruit and syrup. Enjoy!

Meal Two:

  • 2 cups vegetables (ex. kale)
  • 3.5 oz. lean protein (ex. chicken)
  • 2 tbsp. healthy fats (ex. avocado)
  • 1/3 cup carbohydrates (ex. quinoa)
Lunch Alternative:
  • Turkey Breast
  • Sweet Potato
  • Green Beans
Meal Three:

  • small apple
  • 1 small handful raw almonds
Meal Four:

  • 2 cups vegetables (ex. large green salad)
  • 3.5 oz lean protein (chicken)
  • 2 tbsp healthy fats (ex. olive oil)
Workout Time:

  • Days 1 & Day 2 – 1 Scoop, 1x daily
  • Days 3 & Beyond – 2 Scoops, 1x daily
Meal Five:

  • 1 scoop StrongGirl Isolate
  • ½ cup fresh berries or ½ banana
  • 6 oz. unsweetened almond or coconut milk
  • 1 cup ice
  1. Blend all ingredients and enjoy!
Yes, I said optimal. But if you occasionally fall off the band wagon and have some ice-cream or too many carbs, it's not going to be the end of the world. You will have a happy, humming metabolism from all of your other healthy choices and the lean muscle you have been building in the gym. 

Happy Living Everyone!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Dear Protein Haters

I currently use Strong Girl Supplements and I have really enjoyed them. They are available at 
GNC and other online retailers for a relatively low price.  College budget and all. 


Protein is going to make me bulky.


Congratulations! You're not a boy! You will not bulk up from the consumption of foods that are high in protein or the consumption of protein powder. You also won't bulk up from picking up a dumbbell! You simply do not have the testosterone that is required to "get big."

Protein starts paying for itself the moment it enters your body. Foods that are high in protein require more energy (calories) to digest, metabolize, and use. Since these foods require more energy, they are going to sit in your stomach, leaving your much fuller for much longer! This is obviously going to be beneficial to any woman who is trying to stop fueling her body with junk. (Or if your like me and you are just hungry ALL OF THE TIME.)


I don't lift weights so I don't need protein.


So maybe weight lifting just isn't your thing, but you are best friends with that treadmill. Endurance athletes require more protein than their weightlifting counterparts because they are burning so many calories during their workouts. 

There are 10 essential amino acids that your body needs because it can't make them on its own. You get all ten of them from protein. So not only do you always need to consume some protein, but if you're burning tons of calories doing cardio, you need a lot more!
If you are like most other women that are trying to get their lives back on the healthy track, you are probably burning calories as well as focusing on how many you put in your body. If this is the case, it is especially important for you to monitor your protein consumption as to ensure the burning of FAT and not MUSCLE. Not only will the amino acids int protein help restore and build lean muscle, but it will fry some of the extra calories you consume when you're not active. (TBH everyone falls off of the bandwagon)

If that metabolism of yours is buzzing right along due to all the healthy food choices you have been making, then the occasional cookie slip won't be detrimental to your fitness goals. 

Protein Powder
(a 4 1/2-tablespoon scoop = 18g protein)

I prefer to use proteins designed specifically for women. As a woman, it takes much longer for us to burn carbohydrates than it does for men. Sticking with a protein powder designed for women will help ensure that you are consuming a minimal amount of carbohydrates, but still consuming a large amount of protein. 

Why is it important for you to take in protein after a workout??
Liquid meals are absorbed quickly, while whole foods are much too slow. 

The metabolic window is a term used in strength training to describe the 30-minute (give or take, dependent on the individual) period after exercise during which nutrition can shift the body from a catabolic state to an anabolic one.

Liquid supplements containing fast digesting protein and carbohydrates will be absorbed within 30 to 60 minutes. This provides the exhausted muscles much needed nourishment in a timely manner. Slower digesting sold foods can take up to three hours to be fully broken down and reach the muscles. 

Other Awesome Sources of Protein

Chicken Breast
(3-Ounce Filet = 26grams)

Lowfat (1%) Cottage Cheese
(6 ounces = 24 grams)

(3 ounce filet = 21.62 grams)

White Tuna
(3 ounces = 21.62 grams)

Non-fat Plain Greek Yogurt
(6-ounce container = 18 grams)

Roasted Soy Nuts

(1/4 cup = 17 grams)
They're a nice break from the usual peanuts and cashews.

Some research suggests that eating soy based products
- lowers cholesterol 
- chills hot flashes
- reduces risk of breast and prostate cancer
- aids in weight loss
- wards of osteoporosis  

Sliced Roast Beef
(2 ounces = 14 grams)

Sliced Turkey
(2 ounces = 13 grams)

(1/2 cup = 8.44 grams)

Skim Milk
(1 cup = 8.26 grams)

Smooth Peanut Butter
(2 Tablespoons = 8.03 grams)

String Cheese

(1 stick = 8 grams)
Pair some low-fat string cheese (80 calories each) with an apple and a few crackers for a filling snack that will easily hold you over until your next meal.

Chunky Peanut Butter
(2 Tablespoons = 7.7 grams)

(3 ounces = 7.74 grams)

(1 ounce = 6.02 grams)

Hard-Boiled Eggs

(1 egg = 6 grams)

Cook a dozen, stick them in the fridge, and grab one when you need a high-protein snack or want to add protein to a meal. 

Egg Whites 
(One large egg white = 5 grams)

(1/2 cup = 4.07 grams)

Grams per serving provided by Women's Health Magazine
Metabolic window

Friday, July 10, 2015

Get It Girl

Unfortunately I am starting my blog right as I am recovering from surgery. So why not kick things off with some awesome ways to maintain your fitness when you are injured or just can't make it to the gym.

1. It's only bad if you make it bad.
So you have a sprained ankle, stitches, or the paper that you are writing is consuming your life. It's okay! You're human, and a busy one at that. Don't beat yourself up. Spend a little extra time making yourself look nice and focus on maintaining all of your other healthy habits while you are out of the game.

2. Stay in the gym.
Just because you can't actually pick the weights up, doesn't mean you shouldn't go to the gym. Go take a nice stroll on the treadmill or watch the other members of your gym do the WOD. It will keep you motivated to get better and get back in the game faster.

3. Do what you can.
If the doctor tells you you can only go for walks, then make sure you do it. Having some form of physical exercise will help release those awesome endorphins that keep you from getting all bummed out. 

4. Drink ALL of the water.
Okay, don't actually drink all of the water, you will drown. Staying hydrated will help keep the excess water weight off and keep you from eating so much extra food when you are bored! I have started a month long gallon challenge in which I will be drinking a gallon of water a day and taking pictures to watch how my skin quality improves. 

5. Keep an honest food journal. 
That little piece of gum, that diet coke, and eating half of your boyfriends DQ blizzard can all add up without your even realizing it! Keeping an honest food journal consisting of everything you eat and DRINK can help you determine why you aren't achieving your fitness goals. There's also some pretty cool apps out there to help with logging your information. You can either download one like myfitnesspal or you can keep your log in the notes portion of your phone. Find something that works for you and stick with it.
Here's the link to some pretty cool print outs that I found online. 

6. Eat your food on a small plate

In the 1960's, the average dinner plate was about 8.5-9 inches.
In the 1980's, the average dinner plate was about 10 inches. (20% kcal increase)
In the 2000's, the average dinner plate was about 11 inches. (35% kcal increase)
As of 2009, the average dinner plate was about 12 inches (45% kcal increase)

Now, I won't go off the deep end on how the history of dinner plate sizes could totally correspond to obesity. I will say that the less room you have for food, the less food you are going to eat.

This is by far one of the simplest changes that can be made on your own!

7. The most important thing I can tell you.
 You are not going to undergo a 24 hour transformation. That is not how life works. The key to success is patience and the ability to accept the fact that you are going to stumble. You are going to stumble multiple times. You don't have to be a hard-core-fitness-nut straight from the beginning. I have found that slowly implementing healthy choices is better than trying to drastically change your lifestyle. You are less likely to give up and revert to bad habits if you make these changes slowly!